Khan Academy

Posted on Monday, June 9th, 2014 at 7:34 am

On Monday I just spent some time exploring Khan Academy. They have a lot of interesting videos and classes on that site and they are all well organized. There are some computer programing videos that seem interesting.  The programming seems to use a programming system called JS. The intro videos are about drawings and animations which seem pretty interesting. I did not watch a whole video but the part I did watch seemed easy to follow and well put together. I watched some of the math videos to have deemed them to be much more helpful then the MIT videos. The person who narrates the videos likes to start at the very beginning. For example, I watch two different videos involving slope and in each video the commentator went over the basics of finding the slope of a line before going into detail about the slope of a curve.  It was a refreshing change since all the videos at MIT just jump right in. It is kind of like the “previously on…” whatever tv episode you are watching. Either way it helps me understand what is going on step by step. I learned how to understand simple derivatives, those involved in finding the secant lines within a curve. I cannot explain it all that well. All I know is that it involves the slope, which I already know about, and after you find the slope it involves setting the change in x equal to zero and figuring out the equation from there. Pretty easy and straight forward. I have not gotten to the harder derivatives yet but I am sure they will be explained in a manner that can be easily understood. I really like Khan Academy. It might be a bit redundant at times but that might be just what I need in order to understand what the heck is going on with this crazy math.

This was supposed to be posted last night but I fell asleep.


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