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PURPOSE: You decide for yourself. For me WordsWorth is a place to share and to accept, to take those two simple steps toward intimacy. I’m going to put my stuff out there – and wait for you. REPLY: Anyone can reply to a post or a page in the blog. PAGES, POSTS, COMMENTS: To add a page, post, or comment you must first log in using the log-in button in the column to the right. LOG-IN: To contribute to the blog you will have to log in with a user id and a password. If you know your first name and your birthdate, then you know your user id and password. For example, my first name is David and my user id is that too, and my birthdate is December 31st 1957 and my password was 123157 until I changed it … something you can do too. If you have trouble logging in, send me an email. PRIVACY: This blog is invisible to search engines like Google; if you were to google the name of the blog you’d find nothing. Privacy can be increased using the visiblity feature in the right margin of the Edit Page. Posts and pages can be made private so that only the author can see them. Or, posts and pages can be given password protection so that they can be viewed only by those with the password. ALERTS & TIPS: There are no footnotes in a blog. But there are pop-up alerts and tips. An alert is a separate pop-up message window that will stay open until closed by the user – handy for messages that take awhile to read. An alert can be set to activate when the hot-link for the alert is clicked, or when the mouse passes over the hot-link. To create an alert you’ll have to learn a little HTML code. Fun! In the Edit window for a page or a post, find and press the HTML tab. This opens the HTML editor. In the editor you find the text that will be your link. To the left of the link text, for an onclick alert, you write –

<a onclick="alert(‘Whatever the alert will say.’)"  href="#">

To the right of the link text you write –


To create an mouse over alert simply replace "onclick" with "onmouseover". Below are examples for the onclick and onmouseover alerts used above.

<a onclick="alert(‘This is an onclick alert. It is good for making an aside to the main text – like an answer to a question. Or, whatever.’)">clicked</a>

<a onmouseover="alert(‘This is an onmouseover alert. What do you think? It is like a little thought bubble.’)">mouse passes over</a>

Adding a tip (or title) to hot-linked text is much easier, and it’s very useful for a parenthetical aside that’s short and can be read quickly. In the Edit window for page or post click the Visual tab, hi-lite the text that will serve as the link, click the link button (it looks like a chain), and when the link dialog opens delete the text in the first cell (href=), and in the third cell labelled title, type your tip, or aside, or title, or whatever.