Can Walking Cure Cancer???
Posted on Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at 11:21 am
I learned a lot of interesting fact about cancer today. A lot of “did you know that…?” kind of facts. So of them do not really connect in my mind. For example, walking can decrease a person’s risk of breast cancer by 25 percent. I know that walking can, and does, do amazing things for the human body. But I guess to me cancer is one of those diathesis-stress kind of illnesses. If something triggers it to happen in your body then it is going to happen no matter what. And most cancers are genetic so there is a very large chance that it will happen. But I guess what this statistic is saying is that walking can reduce the occurrence of the trigger for breast cancer.
I was looking up some more cancer facts online and one place I found said that multivitamins increase the risk of cancer and heart disease according to some recent studies. There was not a link to any studies so I do not really believe this. However, I have heard that some parts of multivitamins just go straight through your system and do not really help. But that might not have been from a reliable source either.