New Classes
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So tonight I started the Fundamentals of Biology Class. The Intro to Bio class that had videos from last years seemed to start at the end of the textbook. Something about the chapters seemed weird. Anyway some other classes were recommended, I think they are all part of the same series basically just from different years. Anyway, I watched about an hour’s worth of videos and then did answer some of the questions. It seems pretty easy so far. The bonds are something that really confused my in high school so I am paying more attention to those. So far I am feeling very confident, though I think my brain can only handle so much of that vocab before it starts to hurt. Good thing I have two other classes to go to if that happens.
On a side note, I when to check my “grades” for this last semester to see if any of the new one came in. Turns out I got a 97 on my last abnormal psych test. I was really freaking out about it the night before because I had not felt like I had studied enough. Apparently I did J. That made me happy. Now I am just waiting on the number theory results. That is the only other one I was worried about.