Archive for March 24th, 2014

Final Stage of Problem Set 1

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Ok so today I did a lot of math. I mean a lot. I finish all of problem set 1. There was quite a bit left to accomplish. It took a long time because I had to look up how to do some of the problems on the internet. It took a bit of digging. There is quite a bit that I still do not understand. A few of the problems I looked up in the answer key. Even the answered did not make sense. However, the derivatives that I once found confusing got seemingly easier. I figured out the simple ones. It seemed very straight forward and I felt a little stupid for not remembering how to do it sooner. For example if you have an equation that like x^4+3x^3+x^2+x+5 the derivative would be something like 4x^3+9x^2+2x+1. What you do is take the power and multiply it by the number before the x, I do not remember the word for that number. Anyway, after I figured that out the rest of these seemed easy. There are a few that have set derivatives, such as sine and cosine. Then the chain rule involves equations that are multiplied by each other.  Those seemed pretty easy as well, once I figured that out.


Quite a bit of the problems were difficult for me to understand. There were a few involving multiple equations. F(x) can equal multiple equations. A few of these are involved in finding what numbers corresponding to the variables a and b. Once I figured out how to do that first equation like this the next one was easier. They are still hard though.


Internet searches proved very useful. I had quite a bit of questions. It is pretty easy to look at the problems and then see the solutions. But connecting the two parts seems a bit harder. The middle step does not work in my head all the time. That is where the internet comes in. Examples help me a lot. I have to start taking more notes about what I fine confusing and what cites help me. Either way it seems to all work out in the end. I think I might understand about 50% of what I have learned so far. Another 30% would involve me refreshing my memory with some supplemental area, such as the internet or the calculus book. The last 20% I just do not know or understand anything about. I guess that is the part I would have to look more closely at.

Math just does not make sense. I just do not get it. Right now it is all geared towards psychology. So if someone wants to rant I can analyze it all kind of. At least that is the point I am working towards. Trying to think analytically with math just does not come as naturally to me. I guess psychology is more of a riddle I have the key to and math is a whole other language, like sandskrit or something really hard like that. I am really not good at riddles though