Archive for March 30th, 2009


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Ellen: Pete Fountain plays clarinet. Google him. Download him on Limewire. He’s got New Orleans style. In ’78 when I was in New Orleans he had billboards all over.

At the 6 o’clock meeting tonight Vivian decided to change the regular Monday format; instead of the usual “storytime” where one person takes the e-n-t-i-r-e 60 minute meeting to tell their w-h-o-l-e story, Vivian decided that as many of us as possible should each take seven minutes to expound on just the juiciest details of our adventures on the far side of darkness, etc. Well, it was a daring notion, but all agreed – unamimity!

Todd, a large guy, from Daytona, told how he started drinking at 21, and now with twenty years of sobriety he still found himself doing one thing or another just loopy enough to near topple his whole world and turn it on end. Next, Danielle made it very clear that, even though her breasts were large and her nipples pert, down below she had the parts of a man. After Danielle, Dee said little but “thanks”, and everybody nodded and smiled and understood. Then this thin good-looking guy, a guy with sharp serious features, a guy I’ve seen a hand-full of times said his name, said he had an alcohol problem, and then began saying other things, other things that got my attention. I’d tell you what they were but I don’t have to – you know them already – you told them to me. Really. I was listening to this guy telling us all when he’d last had a drink, what happened after, how he’s moved from one place to the next since, how he’s finally met some people who are like him, people who see “it” the way he sees “it”, and the whole time I’m thinking about you and about things you’ve said to me about Mattie and her dad and how much you’d made me want to meet him. After the meeting I stopped him. I asked him a few questions. I asked easy stuff, stuff that was easy to ask, stuff that was easy to answer. Then, I asked, “In any of those places you’ve been did you meet a friend with a daughter named Mattie?” Something happened to that guy. Something happened to him immediately. His edges went smooth. His eyes cleared. His lips parted. And he said, “Your Ellen’s dad.”

It was nice to hear those words. 

Found my twin.

I am, 